Detailed Instructions

instructions to the letter

In moments of surrender I find myself wondering what God has in store for me. The trouble usually is that I am not patient enough to sit and wait for all the instructions to come through. Reading the Bible I see that God has very specific instructions for how he wants things done, and those things are usually a big hit. Look at Noah and the ark for example. The instructions were precise, something that had never been seen before, and it fulfilled its duty perfectly.

I wonder what would have happened if Noah had decided to slightly change the design of the ark because he had a better idea. That is where I tend to fail when it comes to the plans God has for me. I could be in the middle of working on something, and God impresses on me a particular direction, and I find myself insisting on doing it my way. Every time I have ignored or argued away a direction from God, I have found myself having to go backtrack and follow the instruction as given … no matter how far ahead I had run.

You would think that I had learnt my lesson by now. Sadly not; I am much better at listening but still struggling at following through and trusting that God knows what is best for me and has my best interests at heart. When we are so keen to do things our own way, it is easy to say that God is not listening to our requests for directions, but the truth is, we are not listening to his gentle nudges.

I look at Joshua and how he conquered Jericho. I doubt that I would have followed God’s instructions in that scenario. I would have tried to think up some fancy way to will the battle. But God’s way, ridiculous as it may have seemed, brought them victory.

Rather than make plans then ask God to bless them, I endeavour to spend time with God and find out the plans he has for me then put them into action as he directs their implementation.